Adepticon 2013 – 40k Team event pt 1

Welcome back to our show where Drkmorals talks about things at Adepticon for what seems like forever because he takes a ton of pictures. It's because one of my favorite things about this hobby is the visual nature of it. The models, and the fluff, with the work people...

Adepticon 2013 – 40k Team event pt 1

Welcome back to our show where Drkmorals talks about things at Adepticon for what seems like forever because he takes a ton of pictures. It's because one of my favorite things about this hobby is the visual nature of it. The models, and the fluff, with the work people...

Adepticon 2013 Day One

I have posted the Crystal Brush information and uploaded all the team pictures from the Adepticon Event. I was hoping to catch some great armies from the normal events alas I wasn't able to do so. Partly because I had to balance picture taking while gathering...

Adepticon 2013 – 40k Team army pictures pt 2

Welcome back as we continue to cover things that happened at Adepticon. Last time I realized that we had just too many pictures for one post so I split the team event into two posts. Let's kick it off with a look at the rest of the Team armies on display. I want...

Adepticon 2013 Day One – Drkmorals

I have posted the Crystal Brush information and uploaded all the team pictures from the Adepticon Event. I was hoping to catch some great armies from the normal events alas I wasn't able to do so. Partly because I had to balance picture taking while gathering...