Adepticon 2013 – 40k Team armies pictures pt 1

Adepticon Coverage continues. Right away I want to let you know this is a long post of picture madness, so long that I had to split the thing into two articles because I took so many pictures. You guys said take pictures and by Damn I did. Possibly because you guys...

Adepticon 2013 – Crystal Brush Winners

Adepticon has come and gone in a blaze of nerd and paint filled fire!! The event is a massive Hobby explosion of events, classes, and vendors. This year STC was on site, as Lantz "THE MAN" was on site taking classes and absorbing knowledge to pass on. I was onsite...

Tablescapes and Adepticon 2013

First off Tablescapes are awesomeI was going to do a nice write up but Citizensmith already did a great post with some Q and A with Mr Justin about the product and the direction he is going. If you don't know what this is then head over to Kickstarter and take a...

Grey Knight – Crusaders

First off as most of you have figured out the STC isn't going anyplace. The post about our demise was a April Fools joke, that honestly came across more serious and got more attention than we expected or intended. I do want to say thank you to all the followers,...

Adepticon FAQ and Demons Quick Thoughts

So Adepticon updated it's FAQ when it comes to Demons and there is some interesting things I wanted to point out since I don't think anyone else has taken a official side on some of this stuff. So most of these are in regard to the demon update the FAQ has several...