Bay Area Open Meta shift

So I wanted to mention the Bay Area open results. I just talked about the Indy and a local event here called CAG and they both showed the same type of meta I have been seeing. I talked about it briefly here if you didn't catch it. I was really pointing out that Crons...

Crons, Crons, Everywhere

So I spent all this time getting my army up to a tabletop standard through the week without any issues, only to have a family issue come up and have to cancel my trip to the INDYOPEN this weekend... complete bummer. I was busy all weekend and I didn't even get to try...

Nemesis DreadKnight Complete

The Nemesis DreadKnight's mere mention will garner attention from those who have heard the tales of these creations. The walker designed for the express purpose to battle Greater Demons of Chaos in head on head combat is a site to behold in action. The Tech Marines of...

Grind till the INDYOPEN

Well fellow gamer's I am playing the tourney Grind game. You know where you are attempting to actually paint several models for a event that you would like to attend. You have already given up on actually being able to finish said army and are now settling on 3 or 4...

The Blog hidden in the myst

through me you enter into the city of woes through me you enter into eternal pain, through me you enter the population of loss. . . .abandon all hope, you who enter here.Sometimes you get shot and wake up and everything around you is different. I...