New Forge World – MOURNGUL Release

Forge world New's letter dropped with something interesting, new, and not Heresy era related. Let's take a look at this fantastic model that is just screaming for conversions or uses in a Chaos army.Dreadful tales are told around huddled fires of those lost in the...

Flyers in 6th pt 1 – A introduction

If you have played a dozen or more games at this point of 6th edition you know that Flyers are a new dynamic that has to be considered both on the battle field and when list building. The flyer has really changed up the game in terms of balance and mobility. Let's...

Adepticon 2013

As we get back into a regular couple of posts a week let's kick things off with a Adepticon post. Adepticon is basically the Super Bowl for this hobby. I would think its safe to say that the event is basically the level other large GT's had been shooting toward when...

GK DreadNaught Complete

Only in the darkest of times are the Dreadnaughts of the Grey Knights chapter awoken by the Master Armourers. Silently they slumber in the Chapter's chamber of hero's until they are called upon to serve once more upon a battle field so far from salvation that the...

Read up, To keep up. (Contest stuff)

Devil's Night is now behind us, and the Holidays are fast approaching. So much madness surrounds our journey as we get closer to rapping up 2012. I have let this blog take a back seat while I worked projects but I actually have several things I want to start talking...