40K FAQ quick overview

I was asked if I was going to do a post about the new updates that have finally come out for 6th. I was told I was getting all "hobby" on people since I haven't been doing tactics posts and strategy but more painting and modelling stuff. Which is true. I want to say...

Death Cult Assassins

The Death Cult Assassin is what the Emperor would call a necessary evil. Walking the boarder line of heretic with obsession. The highly trained girls are not what you would want to run into while strolling through a dark alley. What do we know about the...

Updates from my workbench: Ep 2 – Wiring upgrade

Currently I have been slaving away in my lab on my GK army. I already pressed out molds for all the vehicles and have done work on the dreads. However I am waiting for some bitz to redo part of the dreads because I was unhappy with sections of the model and think they...

New Chaos Models!! Leak of starter set.

It's Friday which by itself is an excuse to drink and party with the ladies. However these awesome new pictures are already making the rounds online only to further cement in that the rumors of releases are looking spot on.. Chaos is looming, and I don't mean that...

MWC Blog Post Spotlight – 03

Drkmorals here and you may know me from such posts as "Just Inject the Forgeworld in my veins" and "How to make WAAC gamer's rage quit" However this week let's get on with the spotlight post.Our hobby tends to be full of very creative people with mad skillz and...