Helldrake progress

Helldrake progress

My goal at the end of last year was to work on always playing a fully painted army. An annoying task when I play semi competitively because I am randomly always changing my lists. I decided to fully paint up my FMC list first as my goal and get the models all updated....
Secret Weapon Miniatures- Bone Fields bases Review

Secret Weapon Miniatures- Bone Fields bases Review

I could have easily titled this post JUMPING on the Resin Base bandwagon, however I figured that would be pretty vague and not easily found for someone on the fence about picking up some of these bases.Anyway I have been looking to upgrade the bases for my Demon and...
FrostyCon 2014

FrostyCon 2014

So I will be going to FrostyCon unless some random act of God happens. That's the plan anyway.It's a comp event so that is interesting and also it's only 1500 points which is a really odd points level for me, so I am not really sure what I will play just yet...
Weathered Vendetta Complete!

Weathered Vendetta Complete!

The holiday break is over, and while I took a step back from the blog while dealing with holidays and spending time with family it's time to start trying to get through this back log of content I have been meaning to get posted. So let's start with a couple quick...
Behind the Blog – 3++ is the new Black

Behind the Blog – 3++ is the new Black

In the Grim Dark Future, there is war, and blogging about said war. Also blogging about anything and everything else going on. Blogging is a thankless job most times, and while our online community is pretty awesome in general as we celebrate all things Grim Dark,...