MOAR from my mate Liam – kit-bashed Defilers / Brass Scorpions

Liam's kit-bashed Defilers / Brass Scorpions I think won him best 'beast' at Throne of Skulls, he recently sent me through some WiPs which may help folk see how he did it.Each armoured plate is made from a section of pipe with thin Plasticard reinforced edging...

‘nids part 86 – Tyranid Bastion growth pt7.

In some respects I feel disappointed that I'm not sharing the following pictures 'live' so to speak. This is six nights continuous work. I cracked open the white DAS and just thought I'd see what happened. and as time went on I got better at it. Using my trusty...

‘nids part 85 – Tyranid Bastion growth pt6.

In my head I'm still trying to work out which bits need to be done first, what materials will be used to make them and the best approach to take. It's not quite the tapered structure I was aiming for, although the capillary towers do create that effect although the...

Support your local blogger – Facing The Grey Tide

For those that blog we primarily made some form of commitment with ourselves. To record our efforts and share those with others. Initially that's a shot in the dark, starting something with no audience and hoping one day to have a follower, some traffic and even just...

‘nids part 84 – Tyranid Bastion growth pt5.

So I've iced my cake! Well, covered it in tile adhesive/grout. It was a cheap pot from a £1 store, I used about 2/3rds of it and applied it with a plastic spoon. it's not quite as tapered as I'd envisaged but I'm not worrying too much about that. I am worrying that it...