Throne of Skulls Mar ’13 – Battle 5, Tyranids Vs Space Marines

Last game of the Tournament, bring it on for the win!Psychic PowersWinged Tyrant HQTervigon CC troopTervigon Plain troopBroodlord [Adrenal]Warp SpeedLife LeechHaemorrhageNA Life LeechEnduranceEnduranceWarp SpeedNA HaemorrhageDoom of Malan'taiPsychic ShriekThe low...

ebay sales YOU won’t regret! Liam’s Tau…

My mate Liam, he of the scratch built Warhound and Warlord fame, is  having a clear out of old TAU figures on ebay NOW! He's hoping to offload these Tau so he can go out and buy NEW Tau. He apologetically described...

Throne of Skulls Mar ’13 – Battle 4, Tyranids Vs Space Marines

I'm two losses and a draw at this stage, it's not a whitewash but I could do with a win just to up my average at the beginning of day 2. Having had a few beverages the night before I'm feeling a little worse for wear and my Bugman's bacon and egg barm offers me no joy...

Throne of Skulls Mar ’13 – Battle 3, Tyranids Vs Dark Eldar

Game 3 and I'm hoping for my first win...Psychic PowersWinged Tyrant HQTervigon CC troopTervigon Plain troopBroodlord [Adrenal]Iron ArmIron ArmWarp SpeedIron ArmHaemorrhageHaemorrhageEnfeebleEnduranceDoom of Malan'taiCataclysmThe low down:Purge the Alien.Hammer and...

Throne of Skulls Mar ’13 – Battle 2, Tyranids Vs Necrons

Game 2 and time to get a win just like I did in October 2012, oh, Necrons and Wraiths too!Psychic PowersWinged Tyrant HQTervigon CC troopTervigon Plain troopBroodlord [Adrenal]Iron ArmIron ArmIron ArmNA HaemorrhageHaemorrhageWarp SpeedEnfeebleEnfeebleDoom of...