by dwez | Mar 30, 2013
First game of ToS March 2013Psychic PowersWinged Tyrant HQTervigon CC troopTervigon Plain troopBroodlord [Adrenal]Warp SpeedEnfeebleWarp SpeedNA HaemorrhageLife LeechLife LeechHaemorrhageEnduranceDoom of Malan'taiPsychic ShriekThe low down:Big Guns Never Tire (4...
by dwez | Mar 28, 2013
I had a 1600pt game a few weeks ago now in preparation for the MAWs tournament. It was at my Local friendly Neighbourhood Gaming Club and it was, I believe, my first game against Dan who started playing at the club round about the same time as me. He was using Space...
by dwez | Mar 26, 2013
Yet more free markers, I know, it's getting old now. Apologies if free stuff isn't your bag and this isn't even stuff I have actual need for, what am I thinking? Anyway it's actual counters for vehicle damage, a double of weapon damage, because who has just one weapon...
by dwez | Mar 25, 2013
This is me and Mat Garside [Stockport GW manager] during my first game.So, back from Throne of Skulls and I'll try to start writing up the battle reports but given I won 4 and lost 1 in October I was not expecting to do as well this time and I did not disappoint with...
by dwez | Mar 24, 2013
Day 2 of Throne of Skulls and perhaps I'm slaying all-comers for the Great Devourer or perhaps I'm being spanked atrociously. However the new kid on the block, star of the show is my Magnetized Winged Hive Tyrant, who actually has a name - the Scourge of Oktavia...