1600pt battle report (of sorts) – nids Vs Space Marines

I had a 1600pt game a few weeks ago now in preparation for the MAWs tournament. It was at my Local friendly Neighbourhood Gaming Club and it was, I believe, my first game against Dan who started playing at the club round about the same time as me. He was using Space...

A freebie – Vehicle Damage Markers

Yet more free markers, I know, it's getting old now. Apologies if free stuff isn't your bag and this isn't even stuff I have actual need for, what am I thinking? Anyway it's actual counters for vehicle damage, a double of weapon damage, because who has just one weapon...

Throne of Skulls March 2013 – Headsup

This is me and Mat Garside [Stockport GW manager] during my first game.So, back from Throne of Skulls and I'll try to start writing up the battle reports but given I won 4 and lost 1 in October I was not expecting to do as well this time and I did not disappoint with...