by dwez | Mar 22, 2013
My hobby mojo has been fixed squarely on painting these past few weeks. Blogging and even photographing the progress has been low down on my list of 'to do' because I've actually just had a whole lot of fun on this Winged Tyrant, Sepia...
by dwez | Mar 20, 2013
It's Throne of Skulls again this week and I better just catch you up on the Wingged Hive Tyrant. Much like the Tervigon for October I've kind of run out of time to showcase the mini before the event. i suppose I could sneak an extra post in but content [and...
by dwez | Mar 18, 2013
My mate Liam, he of the scratch built Warhound and Warlord fame [I may have to change his title after this] has sent through his latest creation, yes that's right a full-sized Chaos Space Marine Helmet! In actual fact this is his army list for...
by dwez | Mar 16, 2013
Here's the third of my MAWS tournament matches. This was a four-way tournament between my local friendly neighbourhood Gaming club - The Lost Boys against The Ribble Warriors, Northern Warlords, and our hosts the Manchester Area Wargames Society [or MAWS]....
by dwez | Mar 14, 2013
Throne of Skulls again next week and another 1500pt conundrum. After the last time where I somehow managed to win 4 out of 5 matches I'd pretty much settled on a potential list after the event, trimming some of the units I didn't think had worked and adding in others...