Full sized Chaos Space Marine Helmet

My mate Liam, he of the scratch built Warhound and Warlord fame [I may have to change his title after this] has sent through his latest creation, yes that's right a full-sized Chaos Space Marine Helmet! In actual fact this is his army list for...

1600pt battle report – MAWS Challenge nids Vs Imperial Guard

Here's the third of my MAWS tournament matches. This was a four-way tournament between my local friendly neighbourhood Gaming club - The Lost Boys against The Ribble Warriors, Northern Warlords, and our hosts the Manchester Area Wargames Society [or MAWS]....

Throne of Skulls 2 – help with my 1500pt list please…

Throne of Skulls again next week and another 1500pt conundrum. After the last time where I somehow managed to win 4 out of 5 matches I'd pretty much settled on a potential list after the event, trimming some of the units I didn't think had worked and adding in others...