1600pt battle report – nids Vs Chaos Space Marines

I got chance  to have a game with my mate Liam, he of the scratch built Warhound and Warlord fame. Since last we fought he's been busy as a bee in painting his Chaos Space Marines and they're nearly all done by the looks of it. The only real...

A freebie – Wound Markers MKII – the square ones

Continuing on with the freebies and as it's my birthday, here's another gift to you all - square wound markers.  The more popular 1s and 2s with a sprinkling of 3, 4, 5s for monstrous creatures and the full 1-10 in blue for random nonsense like the Doom...

A freebie – Necron Wound Markers

It's been a while since I did anything for Freebie hunters. This may not be of interest but I was working on some square counters. I noticed that the triangular ones, when cut with scissors, tend to curl at the points. So I figured square ones my bend less when cut....

1600pt battle report – nids Vs Orks!

My friendly neighbourhood gaming club has a 40k tournament coming up against three other North West gaming clubs and the great thing is it's free! I've already got permission to go and the Mother-in-law will be looking after the kids so I can go, she's great. My only...

Terrain is everything – Simpler Mini Bunkers for 40K

Just a little one this, Pete Ball, one fo my regular commenters and reader has been exploring his terrain building efforts. He's had loads of simple CD sized ideas on his own blog recently - earthworks, watchtowers and the rather effective bunkers...