‘nids part 69 – Tyranid Quad Gun and Aegis Defence Line

Continuing my collection of lost and forgotten images. I onc epromised a set of completed pictures of my Tyranid Aegis Defence Line and pointless Quad Gun. And here they are:I've since discovered that they're actually larger than they should be in length. I think I...

‘nids part 68 – Some stealers

When I took some picturesof the Warriors a while back I was also in a position to take some pics of the then recently completed toxin Broodlord. I wondered when I got him whether this was a pointless purchase and how often I'd actually run 2 Broodlords. We now know...

‘nids part 67 – revamped Warriors

DimmyK asked back in August if there were some whole army pics. Although this isn't the entire force I had planned to take pictures of each unit type as a whole. Given I went back to my Warriors before Throne of Skulls in October to revamp their guns I thought it was...

Beach BloodBowl!

Another one of my oft-delayed posts, not least because there may not be a lot fo love for BloodBowl in my followers, a gross assupmtion I'm happy to take back if I'm wrong. Anyway a (long) while back I happened across Beach BloodBowl, you can get it...