Imaginary world inspiration – Pascal Blanche

Mainly pictures this one, cos that's what we like - pictures. Anyway, Pascal Blanche is a '3D illustrator', I'm guessing this is someone who makes something in a 3D application then fettles about with it afterwards in Photoshop and the like until it looks more like a...

Dark Vengeance Cultists – Primed

Wassup?! And having made a slightly more urban rubble mix for my cultists bases I got on to priming them. In doing so I was going to try out a couple of tips from Ron at From the Warp [where would we be without Ron?] the two tutorials...

1250pt battle report – nids Vs Dark Angels

Psychic PowersTervigon HQTervigon TroopBroodlord [Adrenal]EnfeebleLife leechNA Life LeechIron ArmIron ArmIron ArmHere's the low down:Crusade (5 objectives - at the base of the defence cannon tower and between the two rock formations in the first pic, in the second pic...

To Done – BloodBowl Skaven 4

I'm not entirely sure when I got Blood Bowl. It's release was in 1988 and I either got it for my Birthday or the Christmas preceding it. My good mate Pete had it first and having played it had to have it. I spent a lot of time with my elves/dwarves but I bought a lot...

BloodBowl Skaven 3 – all your base…

With all 16 Skaven complete and based there was only one choice left to make - the base edges. Part of me really wanted to paint them in their 2nd edition colours of:White - throwerYellow - catcherRed - BlitzerGreen - BlockerGrey - LinesmanBut those rules no longer...