‘nids part 66 – Ymgarl Genestealers Primed

Having finished the Ymgarl conversions it was time to prime them and I'm sure the eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed these have not been primed white as normal. You would be correct, the simple reason being I ran out of white primer part way through.The lovely...

1250pt battle report – nids Vs Necrons

Got to go to the last games night of the year at my local friendly neighbourhood gaming club - that gives you an idea of how long it takes to write and fit these reports into my blogging schedule. Anyway I was hoping to fit in my next 40k campaign game. We're up to...

BloodBowl Skaven 2

With the Dark Angels on hiatus until I've looked at the Codex and decided [read up on the nets what I should take] what I want I continue apace with the Skaven Blood Bowl team. I'm not sure why, originally the local friendly neighbourhood gaming club was going to have...

"What’s App Doc?" 2 – War Dice Lite

When I first thought of doing gaming related App posts I had a number of Apps that were useful. One in particular was an App called Warhammer 40k Combat Assistant. Essentially it was a dice rolling App and it was really useful. Since then it's disappeared, but a...

Throne of Skulls Oct ’12 – Army Lists

One of the many awards available at Throne of Skulls is 'The Scribe's Quills', the award for best army list. As it happens my friend Otty won with his Tyranid army list.As I had plenty of access to his list I thought it would be cool to take a few pics to share so you...