Throne of Skulls Oct ’12 – Best Army Nominations

Here are the nominations fo rbest painted army in the October 2012 Throne of Skulls first up the Iron Warriors, which I believe went on to win.One of the more interesting aspects of this army, although I may be mistaken but I was told afterwards a story and I...

1250pt battle report – nids Vs Grey Knights

I hope the number of GK battles I'm getting through isn't tiresome for you all but when you have a few people to play you're often going to face the same armies, especially for those building and discovering their new force. This was another pre-Throne of Skulls game...

Warhammer World Photobomb 4

 lsat from the Warhammer World Exhibition. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves really, there's not much more I can say about them than is present in the image, Fantastic Elven shipsBattlefleet Gothic - Ahoy!Epic ArmageddonMore Epic EldarMordheim.One...

Warhammer World Photobomb 3

Penultimate Photobomb from the Warhammer World Exhibition. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves really, there's not much more I can say about them than is present in the image, although this pic was some Ork flying craft/space junker, not sure which...