Look around you – more real OLD world inspiration

Came across this website the other day featuring old photographs of a variety of industrial buildings - iron smelters, water and gas towers, mining buildings. For those who are into the terrain building aspects I thought it might inspire. Not least because these sort...

40k addict on Youtube – quick ‘Look Out Sir’ dice rolls

Happy Christmas everyone and to celebrate I thought I'd throw in an extra post and what better post than my first and perhaps last youtube video taking into account the mind numbing and depressing monotone delivery that will undoubtedly cause many of you to think...

Warhammer World Photobomb 2

Yet more pictures from the Warhammer World Exhibition [I've four lots, so two more left] I was a bit giddy taking pics. For the most part I'll let the pictures speak for themselves really, there's not much more I can say about them than is present in the image,...

Warhammer World Photobomb 1

After losing atrociously in the Pub Quiz we snuck upstairs to the current exhibition. For the most part I'll let the pictures speak for themselves really, there's not much more I can say about them than is present in the image, so enjoy:Here are the two nigh identical...

BloodBowl Skaven

With the Dark Angels on hiaitus I decided to continue with my BloodBowl Skaven. There's a pic at the end where I was last at. the all had albino fur and pink skin. The armour was just Devlan Mud/Agrax Earthshade washed Red Oxide primer but it would eventually be...