1500pt battle report – nids Vs Chaos Space Marines

Some may recall earlier this year I returned to the Floral Hall Rock Nights these events used to take place quite regularly in the 90s but since the Floral has gone a bit more up-market they're slightly less inclined to allow a bunch of rockers back on the...

Warhammer World – Random shots of senseless violence

Here's some of the other 'action' shots I took at Throne of Skulls, first up my mate Ben playing the 5 Tervigon list of Lee Durkin. Coincidentally Lee lives in the same village as my local friendly neighbourhood gaming club and since ToS has been in touch to ask...

Allied with what?

I'm currently under a certain sense of confusion, I can't work out whether the internets have deluded me or if I've misunderstood something but I'm having real difficulty getting a handle on 'allies'. I know as Tyranids we don't get allies but on the many...

‘nids part 65 – Ymgarl Genestealers

I've been sitting on 4 Ymgarl Genestealers since I won those bargain ebay sales which provided a fair few Termagants and 4 Hive Guard conversions. I finally managed to win another auction of 5 Stealers, but with loads of heads for variety. Below is the basic builds...

Impromptu tentacle maker

There are a couple of tools out there at the moment for making your own power cables/tentacles out of green stuff. Green Stuff Industries Tentacle Maker and Masq-Mini's tube Tool being two of the more well known offerings. However, what happens if you just...