1500pt battle report – nids Vs Necrons

My gaming buddy Ben has been doing a lot of charity work recently. Having regularly mullered Liam, Otty and myself with his Necrons he decided to throw us all a bone for a bit with his Orks. Chalking up a few loses he's back from the dead with his crons, I'd say...

Terrain is everything – ancient Skyshield Landing Pad

Taking into account I really should be sharing the love of other blogs I stumble across and community spirit it engenders I thought I'd share this truly awesome ancient Skyshield Landing Pad at Cinders of War. As you can see  C!nder has made something quite...

Warhammer World ToS Brad Glover’s Necrorks

I really like Brad Glover's Necrorks. I was amazed he didn't get nominated for best army and could only presume he hadn't painted them himself, which he informed me he had. Neither of us could figure it out but I can only assume the judges are looking for...

1000pt battle report – nids Vs Grey Knights [Again!]

Playing on a Sunday night, what next! Ah well if I hadn't have postponed the family ironing then PeteB would have been without his gaming fix due to four consecutive night shifts - OUCH! So we had quite a cool little game in his cleared out 'man cave' - the garage....