Dark Angel Tactical Squad update

Dear Lord, nearly two years since I had something of worth to show on these guys and sadly that's had an effect on them. Since last time I added the weapons and coated them with Badab Black to try and tone the green down but I just can't accept that as their...

MOAR from my mate Liam – kit-bashed Typhus

If you're bored of my mate Liam's work then what's wrong with you? I've still got another couple of posts worth of his work but here's his continuing Nurgle efforts for his Chaos Space Marines. I like the sneaky way he chose CSMs so he can have his Khorne army then...

What’s on my palette?

 I may have mentioned the other day I'm on the crest of a hobby wave, in fact waves - too many perfect things that are keeping a big old grin on my face. Unfortunately I just haven't the time to tackle them all and I desperately want to share what I'm doing but...

Realm of Warhammer 40k: Downloads

Over at Realm of Warhammer 40k which I discovered through Imperius Dominatus there are a number of free downloads including vehicle damaged markers. If my own efforts are not your bag then maybe these are and they also use a similar sorting/storage system so...

MOAR from my mate Liam – kit-bashed Nurgle Heldrake

Heldrakes are kind of a big deal and you'll find that a lot of Chaos players want more than one and when it comes to that second robot daemon dragon a Nurgle variety becomes very appealing. I've seen some awesome attempts ranging from a straight scratchbuild to the...