‘nids part 81 – Tyranid Bastion growth pt2.

The last post on my Tyranid Bastion had me pleasantly surprised that the surface area of my small crater was roughly equivalent to the rooftop area of an Imperial Bastion. However, I was unconvinced that the end result would match my concept. So I looked at the larger...

MOAR from my mate Liam – Scratchbuilt Warhound Titan

Otty's Bio-titan and Liam's Warhound go toe-to-toeI've been carping on about my mate Liam [y'see I've dropped the links to his scratchbuilds there, seeing as they never worked anyway!] for a couple of years now. He's a mad genius when it comes to painting and his...

The Brood Mother has spawned – congratulations!

Just a quick shout out to Otty, Mrs Otty and all the little Otty's who have been blessed with a new addition to the family - this being the reason we went to Throne of Skulls in March and not in May ;) Y'see we could have made it there the other weekend, ha, ha!All...

1500pt battle report – nids vs Imperial Guard

Another match up against Ben and his embryonic Imperial Guard, once again we did the full board density rules, this time using some of Ben’s fantasy terrain. Unfortunately I can't find my army list with the Psychic Powers on, when/if I do I'll update the list...

Terrain is everything – Inquisitorial Vault progress

I'm kind of on 'hobby fire' at the moment. I've a number of projects I'm fiercely passionate about and somehow, despite some of the tediousness I'm motivated to do them. I'm actually very keen to get on and do my Dark Angels, the thought of painting them appeals to me...