MOAR from my mate Liam – Scratchbuilt Thunderbolt

A couple of years ago my mate Liam shared some awesome scratchbuilt Flyers, back before Flyers had become the battlefield dominating must-have we know and hate today ;) Here's the finished little beautyAnyway, he recently sent me a link to his progress pics that may...

‘nids part 80 – Tyranid Bastion pt1.

That's right folks, a Bastion - the logical progression from my Tyranid Aegis Defence Line. Of course if I do the Bastion then the logical next step is a Skyshield Landing Platform and then a Fortress of Redemption but lets not run before we can walk.Occasionally I'll...

Lord of the Rings – Moria Goblins Finished!

I'd originally intended to do a step-by-step for these guys but I also intended to do them quickly so those decisions proved to be mutually exclusive. After I primed them black I did the bases first. I thought as there was more area to the base than figure...

‘nids part 79 – ‘alien protection walls’

By popular demand I am creating some additional 'alien portection walls' and as I've shown before the fruit pot skeleton is in place. Having compared my line to the official proportions this set will consist of 3 long pieces and 4 short ones [aliens...