Warhammer World Photobomb pt5. Miscellany and ToS winners

 The Last bucket load of pictures, here's the Empire general [Karl Franz?] on his War Griffon. I think this was a Golden Daemon entry.Space Hulk Broodlord and Killa Kan.May have repeated these Dark Vengeance shots but nevermind.I saw these Wood Elf...

Terrain is everything – Inquisitorial Vault/Reformatry/Bastille

So I've had this Inquisitorial Vault in development for a while. I'd looked at creating a number of straight sided buildings with less gothic elements and more 'brutalist' architecture however during the process I've reintroduced some of the gothic bits -...

Cheap figure carry cases and other storage solutions

When discussing my 'secret shame' last year I showed how to make a cheap carry case for figures. I mentioned I'd bought a bigger 24 capacity box and here it is.The bigger holes are perfect for the slightly more bulky Ymgarl Genestealers and Hormagaunts that are...

Warhammer World Photobomb pt4. Dark Angel Exhibition

The Exhibition on display was the artwork for the Dark Angel Codex, lucky me. This was actually quite shocking about just how much artwork is created for a Codex. I think there's a lot more original art going into these 6th Edition dexes now which may not be...