Nurgle Daemon Prince

Hi guys, Got another finished model to share with you. I really can't believe it that i managed to finish two models in a week! I really think thats a first for me! it seems that my more liberal and quick approach ( spending less time...

Daemon Prince Of Khorne

Perhaps it's the summer sweat keeping me up at night... but I been finding it hard to keep away from the brushes at night. Found this guy hanging around with just basecoats on. Couldn't resist giving him a little life. For me this was quite a quick job... around 4-5...

Summer Sale … Of Sorts!

Well it's that time of year again... when I motivate myself to actually move off my ass and do some cleaning. Cleaning is a wonderful endeavour as it unearths all sorts of goodies you had forgotten you had.And So begins my...

Breaking me in gently..

 Hello people! Well It has been a long time since I updated my site or even done any hobbying for that matter. I've had what one could call a hetic year with juggling full time work as well as education, it got a bit overwhelming at times and I just was never in...

Empire Captain

So I've decided on a figure for the base. A good old empire guy, seems to be all I like to paint. I've started to use white undercoat something I never done before as it always gave me bad results. Anyway just starting off the metallics on this guy. More to come soon!