Empire Wizard

Empire Wizard

 This fella done years ago is now up on ebay:http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=161104278781
White Dwarf Collection For Sale

White Dwarf Collection For Sale

Who would of thought moving into a rabbit sized house was a bad idea! Yeah that right tiny house = NO Space for my precious toys anymore. My lifetimes collection of white dwarf are next to go.Currently Nintey five issues looking for a good home.Up On Ebay now...
FW Giant Spined Beast

FW Giant Spined Beast

 This is an old figure of mine dug out from a army from a couple of years back. Trouble with this hobby is it just takes up such much space and before you know you have lost half the house. So as much as hate selling my collection this friendly looking chap is...

Space Marine Terminator Lord

Bonjour Amigos! Been Painting again, Just a quick job here. Converted this a while ago from kit bashing plastic kits. Just got round to painting it up. like everything I paint I always start with the best intentions ( IE plan to start a army or...

Chaos Space Marine Vindicator

Hello my internet buddies! I think I mentioned in my last post that I was painting a tank, which is pretty rare for me. So I just went with the flow and allowed myself to paint till I got burnt out. Added some freehand to added a little intrest to some of the areas....