by dylangould | Jun 5, 2012
Looky what showed up in the post today.
by dylangould | Jun 3, 2012
5 more done.
by dylangould | Jun 3, 2012
Thunderfire cannon and a kit-bashed techmarine. Techmarine was built from 2nd edition Devastator legs, a Forge World torso, Chronus' head, a techmarine right arm and a plastic left arm with metal shoulder pad. Backpack is from Chronus as well (I believe). And a FW...
by dylangould | Jun 3, 2012
5 more marines and a banner bearer. Banner comes form the 25th Anniversary marine, and was grafted onto the old 3rd edition banner bearer. Still need to do Tac markings on these guys.
by dylangould | Jun 2, 2012
That's right, modern (mostly) models. Doing an army of these up this summer as quick as I can. These 10 figs took about 5 hours, including lunch, buggering about and drying time.