New Assassins

I painted these up near the middle of last year. Quick, functional paintwork, to go with my Imperial Fists.

2nd Edition Eldar Howling Banshees

LANGUISH NO LONGER. These too have sat on the painting desk for more years than I care to admit. They mostly mirror the studio paint that is found in the Eldar codex. Glad to get them done.

2nd Edition Cadians

MORE MEAT FOR THE MEAT GRINDER! I've had these troopers sitting around started for something like 4-5 years, so I finally sat down and painted them up. It was interesting to see how my painting has improved since I painted the last squad, but these guys blend in well...

Imperial Guard Priest

INSPIRATIONAL POST!!!! I pulled this guy out of a case and painted him up over the weekend. Fun sculpt to paint and it came together quickly.

Inquisitor and his Guncutter

When GW dropped the Deathwatch I was mega-impressed with the new marines, and especially the Watch Captain. Not intending to start a Deathwatch army, but wanting to paint that fig, I decided to make him an Inquisitor. A shoulderpad and head swap and a fancy new paint...