Rogue Trader Predator

I've had this thing half completed for the past few years, so on to the painting table and into the display cabinet... Now my RT marines have some backup.

Krell and Kemmler. And a Necromancer…

And that's a wrap on my 1000 pts of undead for Age of Sigmar... (just kidding, I'm already assembling more of these dead dudes...) But before that, let's look at these lovely chunks of metal. First up, this sweet Necromancer, who I'm showing a lot of because I'm real...

Artifacts of Power – Battle Report

The Lichemaster has uncovered an ancient and promising site, hidden deep within the Forest of Woe. As Morrslieb rises high in the heavens, faint lines of energy from the geomantic web have surged to life, revealing three artifacts of power. Time is of the essence....

Store opening Imperial Fist Captain

I was lucky and snagged 2 of these chaps thanks to some friends who aren't in the hobby and speed painted one of them to match my Imperial Fists. It's a little rough, but he'll blend in and the little freehand brightens him up.

Zombies and Wraiths

And here we have a brick of 30 Zombies. I'd never had the chance to assemble any of these guys even though I've been seeing them since their release way back in 1999, so I had a blast putting them together and adding some Empire bits to create some variety. Tucked in...