by elfordminis | Apr 22, 2013
So I've painted up a new BSB for my new Skaven army. The army is slowly coming along. I'm about 20% through a plague claw catapult and have an additional 2 unit fillers, 2 engineers, about 20 stormvermin and a warlord on war litter. The last 21 models haven't been...
by elfordminis | Apr 20, 2013
So there has been a picture leaked. An Eldar farseer in plastic. Looks decent and almost certainly confirms the next release in 40k.
by elfordminis | Apr 19, 2013
Here's a few pictures leaked of the new high elves. Look really nice! I do need me a 'good' army ;)
by elfordminis | Apr 15, 2013
So I've finished painting a Warriors of Chaos army on commission. Only the one character but a lovely big army. I know I haven't posted much for a while but I have been busy. Follow me on twitter to see what I've been doing @elfordminis I'll also post my newest work...
by elfordminis | Feb 4, 2013
So I've committed myself to an teams event this month using the ETC rules and comp. This is the army I've created using said comp found here - tips or changes that you have or would do would be greatly...