Painted Skaven Ikit Claw

So I've finished the first model of the new Skaven army for 2013. I must be crazy going for a second Skaven army! So, I'm back from a long time away. I've decided to start a new Skaven army and this time around I have changed the basing, added some different colours...

Quick SCGT2013 Army List Drafts

Heres a few ideas I've been thinking of for my SCGT army this year. The comp pack is here - 1 Thanquol & Boneripper.Chieftain, BSB.Engineer, Level 1, Dispel Scroll.Engineer, Level 1, Doom...

Doubles Lists

So I'm attending Spring Imcursion. A doubles tournament in Mansfeld. Here's the tournament pack but basically it allows all allies to be trusted and a little bit of comp. my ally is a new player using Empire....

Test Lizardmen Model

Just a few pictures of a test model I've done for my future Lizardmen army. Gone with green skin and turquoise scales and a red spot colour. Quite like it. I'm not 100% on the gold/bronze colour. Different to how I normally paint it. What do you guys think? Will it...