by Evan | Jul 25, 2011
Hello true believers! Welcome back to your Friendly Neighborhood Waaagh! Grimbad. As you may have seen in the ol' title up there, I have a Daemon Prince. He's going to be Aligned of Tzeentch when painted.This dude takes no...
by Evan | Jul 15, 2011
Nope. Not dead.That's right, chumps. I'm back. You'll have to ex-squeeze my absence as I have been out in real life and engaging in other forms of nerdiness, namely Mass Effect. But inbetween murdering the bajezus out of some geth, I managed to paint some more dudes...
by Evan | Jul 4, 2011
Hey Everybody. Got some big Dreadnought update stuff here today. I finished the torso as well as the right arm. Pictures! The World Eater iconography on the sarcophagus is a sterling example of FW details.Freakin' Continents on the globe.Chaos stars incase you...
by Evan | Jul 2, 2011
What ho? Progress, you say?As you may have figured out from last post, I'm painting my Khorne (BLOOD FOR THE SKULLTHRONE, etc.) Dreadnought in pieces for ease of painting and cause I want to do my favorite miniature justice. First up we have the base and legs.I'm...
by Evan | Jul 1, 2011
Well, Time for some WiP shots! Hooray. Prepare yourself for a sea of grey! First up we have some Forgeworld Goodies.Here we have my favorite FW product: Zerker upgrades!Skull Champion with powerfist A fuzzy picture of my favorite ones. My very favorite...