Word Bearers Legion – First project for 2022

 I'll always begin the new year with a new hobby project, and this time will be the legion that orchestrated the Horus Heresy itself - the Word Bearers. I've always fascinated with this legion, being the baddest of them all but there's a certain tragedy to them....

I’m still here! Alive and "hobbying"!

8 years...has it been that long since my last post here? Sorry blog, I've abandoned you for far too long. Hopefully I can post regularly from now on. The last 8 years, things have come and go, so it seems. Warhammer Fantasy is gone and replaced by Age of Sigmar (AOS),...

Pre Heresy Emperor’s Children: Scimitar Jetbikes Completed

It took me awhile, but managed to finish the 1st scimitar jetbike squadron during the weekend. I can say its been a labor of love thus far and I really enjoy painting the sons of Fulgrim in comparison to my Vlka Fenryka. I'm  particularly satisfied how the purple...
Pre Heresy Emperor’s Children: Tactical Squad Completed

Pre Heresy Emperor’s Children: Tactical Squad Completed

It took me some time but I managed to finish painting the squad last weekend. I loved how the squad turned out especially the purple element really worked with the gold contrast. I named this squad as Squad Alkanex in honor of their praefector. Below are more pics of...
Praefector Alkanex- Emperor’s Children

Praefector Alkanex- Emperor’s Children

I've finished assembling and painting the Praefector last weekend. Painting him was fairly easy, similar to other Emperor's Children legionnaires. I try to distinguished him from the rest of his squad, signifying his heroic and loyal service to the III legion....