2nd Company Tactical Squad – Emperor’s Children

2nd Company Tactical Squad – Emperor’s Children

Just finished 3 more legionaries this weekend. I'm loving the progress and currently waiting for the next shipment of FW stuffs to come in. Hopefully soon as I really want to complete this 10 man tactical squad. In the meantime I'm working on Praefector Alkanex...
Pre-Heresy Emperor’s Children

Pre-Heresy Emperor’s Children

I've started a new project, pre-heresy Emperor's Children Legion. I've been wanting to do a pre-heresy army using Forge World stuffs but couldn't get around to do it plus I've been re-reading all the early Horus Heresy novels which spur further my interest. The army...
Grave Guards: Legio Throwdown Special Entry

Grave Guards: Legio Throwdown Special Entry

I've completed the first batch of my Grave Guard for the said entry. As similar to my Iron Warriors painting scheme, I maintaned that dark mood color scheme to reflect the Grave Guard's aging and rustic armor. The blue shimmering tones on the eyes to reflect the...
Terrain Building: Ruined Temple

Terrain Building: Ruined Temple

Hi all, I got side tracked a bit from my Legio Throwdown project by building a simple ruined temple. As mentioned in the previous post I'm kinda interested in building terrains again after reading the old but invaluable "How to make wargames terrain" book by Nigel...