Crypt Ghouls: Legio Throwdown Core Entry

Crypt Ghouls: Legio Throwdown Core Entry

 Here's the first batch for my Vampire Counts Legio Throwdown Core entry. In actual, I already have a completely painted VC army but to my surprise, I still have many unpainted VC miniatures up to a point I can build another army. So for the Throwdown I'm...

Iron Warriors Legion Terminators

I managed this about a week ago but was not in time for the Legio Throwdown. Did a few conversions on them using SM Terminators, coupled with my old metal CSM Terminators bits, Warriors of Chaos heads and the ever important green stuff. Enjoy the pics below. For my IW...

Sons of Perturabo

So many updates these past 5 months I don't even know where to begin. For now I will post with what I've done so far and work backwards from there on. Well, I've started a new project and the post title is self evident; Iron Warriors Legion!I'm always fascinated with...

Attic Studio Annual 40k Tournament 2012, Bangkok

This will be my last tournament in Bangkok thus a befitting farewell to the gaming community here. It's been a pleasure to roll dices and hobbying with the Bangkokians, truly an experience I will not forget. Also a farewell gesture to the current 5th edition as it...