Vlka Fenryka – Pre Heresy Long Fangs

I didn't get much done this past 2 weeks due to my MBA finals week. Got a term paper to finish and thank god it's done now. I managed to finish one Long Fang by the way, as per the pics below. In the spirit of the upcoming 30k Crusade by Legio Malaysia, I used the...

Vlka Fenryka Update

This is where my pre heresy army stands at the moment. A few more stuffs and the army will be good for 1000 points. Pending completion as follows:1) 1 Pre Heresy Rhino2) 1 Wolf Guard Terminator3) 1 Grey Hunter for Asgier's pack4) 5 Long Fangs5) 1 Drop PodI just...

Test Model: Iron Warriors CSM

Got sidetracked a bit and completed a test model of my upcoming 2012/13 project; Iron Warriors. Rumor has it there will be a new CSM codex after the release of the 6th Edition. Click this link for the said rumors. Although is a long way till the rumored release date,...

Slowly creeping back to the hobby table..

Yup, as the title says, I'm slowly getting back to 'hobbying'. I've been really busy with the triplets and they really got me working! Imagine you have to feed them every 3 hours, everyday for the next 5 months, that doesn't leave me enough time to do anything let...