The Best Games You’re Not Playing

Would you like to get over $100 worth of games for a fraction of their price?  I've been a longtime Humble Indie Bundle fan, but this latest bunch is by far the best I've ever seen.  When the bundle first came out, I thought it was an amazing deal and the...

Commissioned Lugft Huron

I painted this one on commission, my patron being Col. Dracus.  His Space Marine chapter is a custom one, called the Celestial Lions (so that's not technically Lugft Huron).  The colors were chosen by him, as seen in this post.  He's going for a really...

Frequent Internet Spelling Mistakes: Pour vs. Pore

This one has been building up to a slow boil.  Goatboy's post on BOLS yesterday finally drove me to make this post.  Folks, when you say you were "pouring over the new Necron book" you are not doing what you think you are doing.This is pouring:This is what...

Secret Weapon Miniatures: A Review

As a preface to this review, this encounter took place a few months ago.  I am just now getting around to writing about it.  The product mentioned below seems to no longer be available from their website, but I would assume the same quality from their other...

Two Blogs That Need More Followers

Forever AloneFirst off I'd like to thank Zero over at Hive Zero for his contest in the which I was the only entrant!  So naturally I won.  The contest was to send in your best painted Blood Angel model (no vehicles).  I submitted...