Harlequin Shadowseer

Here's a Harlequin Shadowseer that I did on commission.  This one was hard to paint.  There's a lot of detail and the finecast was full of bubbles that I had to fill in.  There's about a bajillion gemstones on it as well as the freehand pattern on the...


My incomplete Lustrian TempleSo I've been playing a ton of Minecraft lately.  I would love to try the multiplayer out, to build something huge with a dedicated group.  What I'd like to do is build cool Warhammer Fantasy/40k type things, and perhaps even hold...

A Quick Late ‘Ard Boyz Report, Nids Take Third

I brought my Nids to 'Ard Boyz this year and though I had to borrow from two different people, I still don't think my list was as tight as I would have liked it. Here's what I took:ParasiteDoom+PodHive Guard3xVenomthropes10 TermagantsTervigon10 TermagantsTervigon10...

Painted Lictor

For this guy I did an experiment to speed up my painting.  Instead of mixing each layer of highlight individually, I created batches and bottled them so I can use them again.  Furthermore I reduced my highlighting layers to three for the carapace, skin and...

Tyrannofex Conversion

After months and months of sitting on my desk it's finally done.  I picked the Carnifex kit as my prize for Fantasy 'Ard Boyz Prelims and intended to make a Tyrannofex, so I've had it on my desk since April.  I found this conversion very difficult.  The...