Getting on Even Footing

 by: farmpunkI got busy, and didn't write about something I'm beyond excited about! Some friends and I started a Game Company. Primarily Role Playing Games. We are planning a few card and board games as well.We called ourselves, Even Footing Games.I wrote about...

It’s ALIVE!!!!

The kickstarter for Blood Stone Isle went live on Friday. Check it out!I've been watching the start of my friend's KickStarter with baited breath, knowing that in a few months, the TTRPG game system I'm working on will go through a similar process. We're taking notes....

It’s like Vampire and 5e had a lovechild.

 I've been working on a game system since April or so with a team of volunteers on a game with Mark Rein-Hagen. Yeah. The Ars Magica and Vampire the Masquerade guy. It's been a wild ride. I'm leading a team of rules writers (Team Badlander) trying to capture...

Plastic Wolf and Bear oh my!

by:farmpunkInteresting leaks coming out about a new box of Germans and box of Soviets...It's no secret I've gone over to playing Flames of War, and for the most part I play Allies (French Reconnaissance Company usually for Early War, and Americans for Mid War/Late...
New Points

New Points

by: farmpunkThe Able Kompanie Christmas Battle of the Bulge tournament was announced last week. I'm pretty excited. I'm also surprised. Not by tournament details:Pleased to announce the Able Kompanie 5th Annual Christmas Charity Tournament.   Battle of the...