Gencon 2013 is approaching!

by: farmpunkGencon is coming again!here thar be gamersOnce again, Indianapolis will be invaded by hordes of dice-bag and rulebook toting folks.I shall be one amongst the horde again. With such a large event in my own backyard (like 10 blocks from where I work), how...

40K turn based strategy?

by: farmpunkI got wind of something interesting. Something I actually hadn't heard about a few weeks ago. Apparently, GW has entered into an agreement with Slitherine, produce a turn-based Strategy game based on Warhammer 40K.interesting.Here I had been...

Dust and Flames?!?!

by: farmpunkso from what is being reported, our favorite World War 2 and Weird War 2 games will soon be under one roof.....interesting. playing both Flames of War AND DUST Warfare? from the same company?here's the press release:BATTLEFRONT MINIATURES TO TAKE OVER...

Indy Open 2013!

by: farmpunkYes, It's that time of the year again, and we've got something in the works...and not something for Día de los Muertos.We are happy to announce that The Indy Open (a Warhammer 40K Grand Tournament) will be held in Indianapolis, on March 2nd-3rd 2013! We...