Star wars 3.5 cm Female Jedi green stuff sculpture

Hi, I've been trying my hand at sculpting my own miniatures recently using Star Wars as my inspiration. I recently designed my own rule set for a tabletop skirmish game set in feudal japan which we called 'Steel and Honour' I had been doing lots of green stuff...

28mm Boba fett sculpture finished ‘BLAST EM!’

So I have finished my second attempt now and I'm really happy with the finished mini I'm going to paint it up soon and it's gonna be amazing hahahaha. So here is the youtube video detailing all the steps and work that led up to the final completed mini that im going...

Sculpting miniatures for star wars update

Last post we showed you my improvements to the boba/jango fett inspired mandalorian mini.The improvements were minimal but made a big difference because at this early stage in my sculpting.... well let's just say every little bit helps! I'll be honest about this...