by Feldmarshal Goehring | Oct 20, 2012
Got a game of 40k in this morning against Hand0. We had a great game, and he came out on top. Enjoy the video.I will add a bit of analysis later.
by Feldmarshal Goehring | Oct 1, 2012
After posting some pictures of my progress earlier today. Timothy commented that I had come out pretty weak on the power fist. He directed me over to a place where you know you are going to get great advice every time: From the Warp.So, I read through Ron's...
by Feldmarshal Goehring | Oct 1, 2012
Here are a few updated photos of my Chaplain with Power Fist. It seems like it takes me forever to finish anything these days. I suppose I have been so very busy in the real world that I have precious little time for the miniature world. Nevertheless, this...
by Feldmarshal Goehring | Sep 24, 2012
The model to the left represents the first (test) model for a very slowly progressing Luna Wolves project that I started. I realize that the thunder hammer and storm Shield are anachronistic. Nevertheless, I was trying to get started into this pre-heresy project. So,...
by Feldmarshal Goehring | Sep 18, 2012
I decided to run a very different list than normal. I am still trying to feel out the proper balance between shooting and assault in 6th edition. So, I built a shooting BA's army.A couple of things that stuck out in analysis right off the bat:1. I wasted 150 points in...