FAQ/Errata Released: Initial Thoughts

The biggest gripes that I have been hearing from Blood Angels players revolved around Dante's Axe and the Sanguinary Guard's Glaive Encarmine. Well, GW cleared those up. No questions anymore.I honestly couldn't imagine these weapons being any way different than the...

Death Company WIP: Bolters Incoming

I do have a certain love for the Death Company. As the 6th edition Rage rules are golden, I have felt free to indulge myself a bit.These five Death Company Marines with Holy Bolters are my most recent project. I am working on their bases now. They are magnetized to...

Lemartes in 6th Edition II

I have been extremely excited to allow my love affair with the Death Company to continue unhindered by compulsory movement. You will recall that I have been experimenting with Lemartes.In this past week's game at the club, I continued the table-top experiment with...