Ork Kill Team Kommandos Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes My first green Orks are completed; this Ork Kill Team is a gift for a friend’s 40th. So expect to see them fighting it out against my Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team soon. Completed Gallery These were taken with my Samtian...

Krieg Kill Team (Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team) Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes My first Krieg is now completed, a Krieg Kill Team, which can also double up as Krieg in my 40K games. I did 23 in the end. Completed Gallery These were taken with my Samtian Lightbox. Individual Krieg Models Gallery Krieg Models...

Cadian Shock 2023 Review

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes Another year of the Cadian Shock Blog is complete! It was an odd year that started with loads of individual characters because of not knowing how Warhammer 40K 10th Edition would shape up. During this time, I decided to go into 30K...

Astra Militarum vs Dark Angels – 2,000 Points – 10th Edition

Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutes Another run out with 10th Edition Warhammer 40K. I used a similar list to my last two games in this Astra Militarum vs Dark Angels battle. This game was at Boards and Swords in Derby. Astra Militarum 2,000 Points List This is a...

Hobby Streak – Road to 1,000 Days

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 And so, another Hobby Streak of 100 days is completed; this one took me from August 17th to November 26th. 1,000 Days on a Hobby Streak My goals were… More Iron Warriors – Done! A Cadian vehicle – Done! Start my new...