Cadians vs Drukhari Guard – 1,500 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 10 minutes This battle of Cadians vs Drukhari has been a long time coming, John, who was fielding this Drukhari force did play Craftworlds, and I am sure he will again. But after a 27 loss streak while waiting for their Codex switched to...

Lascannon Heavy Weapon Teams Completed

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 Three Lascannon Heavy Weapon Teams are now complete and ready to rock against the enemies of Cadia. Some details for you to spot A dud missile Mushrooms Flowers Leaking battery liquid Fully charged ammo pack, half charged and empty...

Cadians vs Death Guard – 2,000 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 11 minutes It has been a while (January was the last time) since I took on Plague Gardening’s Death Guard, in that Cadians vs Death Guard game I lost 43 – 69. This game was at Boards and Swords, in Derby. Cadians 2,000 Points List...

Cadians vs Space Wolves – 2,000 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutes This is my second time taking on Chris Space Wolves, the first time was before Hammer of the Emperor – I Iost 47 – 94. Now with some Auto Wounding on 6s to Hit – can I do any better? It cannot be worse? This game...

Cadians vs Iron Hands – 2,000 points – Tempest of War Cards

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes The first game in a while with Cadians vs Iron Hands – and this time we are using the new Tempest of War Cards! This game was at Boards and Swords, in Derby. Cadians 2,000 Points List Note – the two Battle Cannon Leman...