Cadian Infantry Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes 5 more Cadian infantry are done to go with my other 60+ – I want to do a few of these in between my other models to swell my ranks to 100+ Quick Cadian Infantry Painting These were done quickly to match the other Cadian...

Thudd Guns Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes My three Thudd Guns are now done – ready to be used with my Cadians or Catachans. Puddle Bases I used the same method as my Heavy Mortar puddles for these puddles. There is more info in that article but the process basically...

Cadians Vs Necrons – 2022 League – Game 3 – 1,750 pts

Approximate Reading Time: 7 minutes Welcome to my battle report for this Cadians vs Blood Angels game and my first post regarding a League I’m in for the entirety of 2022 comprising of 10 players. The 2022 League These first three games detailed below are sort...

Hobby Streak – Road to 400 Days

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes And so, another Hobby Streak of 100 days is completed, this one took me from December 22nd to April 1st 400 Days on a Hobby Streak My goals for this Hobby Streak were; Paint 60 infantry models, that is 4 models a week on average :-/...

Cadians vs Custodes Open War – 2,000 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes This game was vs Space Wolves, this was then postponed to April 4th, so it was against Tau. Then my Tau opponent got Covid. So it was against Custodes in the end –  I do not love playing against Custodes despite the many games...