Hobby Streak – Road to 200 Days

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes I did my second streak of 100 days on a Hobby Streak! This one is from early June 4th to September 12th! It was a bit on again off again, but it was consistent and I got models painted – which is the main thing! 200 Days on a...

Bane Wolf Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes My first Bane Wolf is now completed. I have more plans for this vehicle, however – I have a third party turret on the way from a company in the USA that will allow me to make this Bane Wolf into any Hellhound variant. It...

Astra Militarum vs Dark Eldar – 2,000 Points

Approximate Reading Time: 9 minutes This is my first ever battle against Dark Eldar, fielded by Liam. I have heard a lot of the tricks and nasty they can bring to the tabletop… I expect this Astra Militarum vs Dark Eldar to be tough. This was fought at Boards...

Pask Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes I used a Legionary Assault Tank Turret from Kromlech for Pask’s turret just because I wanted to! I had no spare Leamn Russ turrets to use and I had the metal Pask models for years. Pask Gallery Pask Overview The Kromlech...

Taurox Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes I built and primed this Taurox back in November 2016, then it sat there for nearly five years! Shame on me! But, now it is done! Rejoice! I was hoping to get a game in with this, this week at Boards and Swords, but Covid has other...