Forgeworld Heavy Mortars Completed

Today I got my three Forgeworld Heavy Mortars completed for my Catachan force. These little guys were a joy to build and paint. I say build, there are about four parts to them including two wheels. Never miss an article? Subscribe! Anyway, they are great little models...

Creating Puddles

I’ve now done with creating puddles for my Forgeworld Heavy Mortars. And so it’s time to document the process for me and for others to learn from. Never miss an article? Subscribe! Creating Puddles – Equipment & Materials This is an exhaustive...

150 Astra Militarum Infantry vs Eldar

Today I have another game against the Eldar, played at Boards & Swords, I am taking 150 Astra Militarum Infantry! This will be quite the battle as both forces have completely different lists and styles of play. Also, what do you think of my overview photos, see...

Redgrass Wet Palette Review

I have been using my Redgrass wet palette for a few months, and now I feel like I have a good handle on and can review it. First off I’ll say that I love this Redgrass wet palette. It will change the way anyone paints and will improve your painting. That’s...

Primaris Psykers Completed

Rather coincidentally I’ve just done my own Psychic Awakening as Games Workshop are releasing their own Psychic Awakening – I’ve recently completed three Primaris Psykers for my Astra Militarum force. Never miss an article? Subscribe! As Longhunter...