by Jake | Apr 4, 2019
I’ve had these guys for a while now and I love them. Dave_nyhilus painted them all for me. And I’m very happy! The Custodians have seen combat a few times. Their first outing was against the Necrons where I used General Trajann, 4 Custodian Guard with...
by Jake | Apr 3, 2019
It’s been a while, but I have now managed to get a game in against the Dark Angels. Those of you that have been paying attention may have noticed I didn’t attend the tournament I had planned to go in early March. My partner’s Grandad passed away...
by Jake | Apr 1, 2019
This article about Lascannons and Missile Launchers was a request via the chat on this blog. As is so often the case with Warhammer 40K there are layers of understanding to any ability, rule, unit or weapon – the Lascannon and Missile Launcher are no exception...
by Jake | Feb 24, 2019
With my three Hellhounds completed and with several requests for this article, it is time to take a look at the Hellhound variants. Never miss an article? Subscribe! The three types of Hellhound are straight out of the scissors, paper and stone handbook. Each one does...
by Jake | Feb 24, 2019
My Hellhounds are done! All three, no less! As for painting Hellhounds, this is how it went… I am no pro, but I hope that this process helps or inspires someone else to slap some paint onto their tanks! Never miss an article? Subscribe! Base Camouflage –...