by Flare Miniature Painting | Feb 28, 2012
As swan songs go, this is as good as it gets, I'm afraid.Moving on to pastures new - my latest venture, Flare Miniature Painting - I'm not going to have the time to work on this blog any more.(Regular readers will have noticed a rapid decline in posts just...
by Flare Miniature Painting | Feb 7, 2012
TAKEN FROM THE JOURNALS OF HEAD COACH LYSENKO, PUBLISHED POSTHUMOUSLY :“...I watched the last game of the season from the stands and I had to admit, despite my loathing for Stark-Elm, there’s little that I might have done differently. If I hadn’t hated her so much, I...
by Flare Miniature Painting | Nov 25, 2011
The Hackers fans could find little to complain about tonight, especially as the Midway Monsters' promised Pain Train failed to turn up at the stadium.It is true that the first few minutes of the match were filled with nerves for the elves, having not only a minotaur,...
by Flare Miniature Painting | Nov 23, 2011
Here are another set of Blood Bowl Orcs, this time in red and black...Hope you like them!
by Flare Miniature Painting | Nov 9, 2011
Here are some pics of the Human Blood Bowl team I recently painted, trying out a red and black colour scheme...