World Eaters Praevin and Battle-Automata

Today I would like to present Consul Kargarl and his retinue. The Praevin is the Forge World 2015 Event Only Miniature Narik Dreygur of the Iron Warriors who got a World Eaters shoulder pad. His retinue consists of three Castellax Battle-Automata. Two armed with...

Volkite Fire

New support for my World Eaters is on its way. A squad of ten Marines armed with Volkite Culverin is ready now. This unit was a must have for me as I really like the Volkites’ design. I am really curious to see how they will perform on the battlefield. The...

Volkite Fire

New support for my World Eaters is on its way. A squad of ten Marines armed with Volkite Culverin is ready now. This unit was a must have for me as I really like the Volkites’ design. I am really curious to see how they will perform on the battlefield. The...

Death from above

A new unit of assault marines was due and I went for the MK II “Crusade” armour pattern which I really like (especially the jump packs). The new unit is ready for combat. Back-view.

World Eaters – Volkite Contemptor Dreadnought

My World Eaters’ third Contemptor Dreadnought is ready for battle. Armed with two twin-linked Volkite Culverins he will deliver enough firepower to deal with a lot of enemy infantry. On his weapons were again magnets used so that I am able to switch between the...