The War Hounds’ Pride

Proudly the banner of the War Hounds is showing above their heads, dripping with the enemies’ blood. Hagall the present standard bearer was born on Terra and is part of the Legion since their early War Hounds days. He carries the banner for a very long time...


Scythe – Questoris Knight Crusader of Scion Albert Makabius The last entry for House Makabius was finished and is ready for battle. The Knight will mostly serve as a Crusader but thanks again to Neodym magnets I am very flexible again here. Now there are two...

Narr’tor – Bull Centaur of the Dawi Zharr

Narr’tor is a young warrior priest of Hashut who was obligated by Nagrot’zarr to follow him southwards on his hunt for new slaves. While following this order Narr’tor is trying to work on his plans and alliances to become a Taur’ruk after his...

Hound of Baroda

Hound of Baroda – Questoris Knight Errant of Scion Gerhard Makabius Slowly the Knight House Makabius is growing. So far it consists of 2 Questoris Knights who are able to cover each and every option thanks to neodym magnets, a Cerastus Knight Acheron and of...

More “volunteers” for the Dawi Zharr

The first matches of Border Princes Skirmish are over now and were real fun actually. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that yet another team of Chaos Dwarves is due. Therefore Nagrot’zarr is in need of more Hobgoblin support. As I will need a full unit of...